Step 4: Eat, sh**, breathe writing

This is an explanation of my current methodology to write three novels in three month.

Eat, shit and breathe writing. Total immersion.

Vomit write drafts. Exercise every day to maintain a healthy mind. Meditate when stressed. Work in the free hours from when I wake to when I sleep using the Pomodoro method. Breaks will involve reading good books, during which analyze and learn from good writing. Read all the writing advice, join every writer's group, blog and post like a solipsistic asshole and treat every doubt as a virus in need of quashing. Whilst commuting watch motivational videos and listen to Writing or Getting Things Done audiobooks and podcasts.

80% headbutting, 20% re-aligning strategies for higher efficiency. There is no way to actually quantify either of those but damn that felt good to type.

There's so much I want to write about, blog about; stuff that might actually be useful to other people- all the writing advice I like, previous works, lessons during the's coming together. Currently, I am surrounded by Evernotes, a whiteboard, blutack'd paper and a mess of crap that would probably have scared the shit out of me three years ago.

Write about that. Headbutt it. Exercise stimulates neurogenesis, lit degrees helps break down how George Orwell writes good montages. Use everything that works. William Gibson writes my favorite descriptions of locations, so break it down. Keep my Deadpool plush around to bounce ideas off of. Contrary to first impressions he's a good listener.

There are so many people that are better than me at this, some of which I know in person. But finishing the marathon is more important than finishing first.

It is entirely possible I could fail completely. But I've already made about three bets that I won't, the consequences of which include immediately proclaiming my undying (lust?) for the next infatuation I have and getting a full body wax. So fuck that. I'm collecting more forfeit- bets as well. Feel free to send me more. I'm stupid enough to take them.

Eat, shit, breathe writing.

Whine less.

Thanks for reading my self-involved posts and all the support.

If anyone wants to make a writing pact, I'm also down. I write, you write, we write, everybody writes.

Only hesitated for about 15 mins before spamming people on social media this time.

Also here's a short story about an asshole who warp space and time: World Walker (1900 words / ~7 mins read)


Step 5: Coagulate from notebooks
