vishal nanda hong kong writer poet editor contact proofreader

Talk to me. Sing to me. Bedazzle me with a random haiku.

Vishal Nanda is a Hong Kong writer of poetry and prose, but like, especially poetry.

He often scribbles poems on command (go on, try him) and is a regular performer at Peel Street Poetry, as well as performing at TEDx, SoFar Sounds, HK literary festival and a bunch of neat charity events and other some such things. He won the slam once, which makes him HK’s slam champion for that year (I think it was 2021 or something). Yes, it was the only slam in Hong Kong, but still.

Say hello, book him for a gig, or send an enquiry.

If you would like to request Vish for a poetry gig or performance, send him a note letting him know the event date and time, and the topic and length of poem required.

If you are looking for an editor or proofreader, contact Vish with the deadline, topic/type and word count of the piece for a fee quote.