Pre-order is up!

(this is all part of the One Novel Three-Month challenge. Click here for more info)


 It's finally here. The pre-order is up! It's a close-run thing, with only 10 days to maximise sales and see if I beat my erstwhile rival. I am releasing it as an e-book first, with print on demand available after launch at a later date. The pre-order discount is up for a limited amount of time.

 Here are the links:

 US Amazon:

 UK Amazon:

 Once it's properly on sale I'm jacking the price up! But honestly, not by much; that's the market price apparently for busting your ass for three months. Oh, woe are writers.

 Whether or not you're a fantasy fan or want a story inspired by the history of the East India Company (sort of), your support will help me toast this Angus dude, and isn't that a hoot?

 I'm currently in the final stages of putting together review copies for those who have generously volunteered their time.

 Right now, I'm hurriedly going through my final edits before uploading the final version. It's all language edits now, with flow, sentence structure, voice, and grammar as the main bugaboos.

 It's been nuts, and for the few naysayers I'm taking a significant amount of satisfaction in proving them wrong. And for the majority of people who support me in proving them right.

 The book will likely be the first in a series if there's any demand for a second one. Otherwise, I have more novels to write in the future! Though I doubt, I'll be trying to write them in one month ever again. I do have another ambition to finish the first draft of a novel before December, but that seems like a positively languid pace after this sprint.

 Even past the competition's end date, I'm going to continue to market the book and do my best to increase my readership. A few of my marketing avenues will take time to grow and could not be implemented in time for the competition deadline, so hopefully, there's more demand after that.

 The whole point of this was to learn how to self-promote and self-publish, and win or lose, that's the whole deal. In that way, I feel like I've already succeeded. Thank you, one and all for reading,  following, supporting and ORDERING THE DARN BOOK!

 (If you like my jam, subscribe here for updates on the book and for scones)





What a ride so far