Step 20: Self-indulge my ass

Photo courtesy of Unsplash / Ali Yahya

Photo courtesy of Unsplash / Ali Yahya

I wrote a long ass post, then decided to google: "how to stop being self indulgent blog" 

And found this:

Nicely done listicle. 

I started ctrl-f'ing pronouns, but when the letter "I" is part of a word, way too much stuff gets highlighted. 

But here's the thing listicle, I don't actually HAVE a community. Whatever rogue person has ended up reading this- likely a relative or friend, (I'm not judging), doesn't care so much. If anything they'd want to get a gander at my train of thought listicle. Nothing I'm saying is sage wisdom. 

I can't compete with Willy Willy Bum Bum - which has 20 million views. You can literally google porn, right now as an alternative.

Or literotica, if you're at work and live dangerously.

So fuck you listicle. 

I'm about a third of the way through the fantasy book.

I choose to not post my original post. Not you. 

I can't compete with this either:


Step 21: Get back up


Step 19: Count the words