The exact taxi queue Brendan is studying

Love and Taxi Queues


Science-fiction, sort of.

What is it about?

It's about a guy who is studying a taxi queue.

Not taxi queues, but one, specific taxi queue. The taxi queue at Times Square, Hong Kong, on April the 4th, 2016, 6:12 pm.  He does experiments. He tweaks variables. How long does the queue take if it's raining? How about if there's only one taxi. Or two. What if the second shopper's obsessed with Bejeweled and the person behind them is too shy to prompt them? He studies all of it.


I can't really answer this without spoiling the first three chapters. It's a contemporary setting though, time wise. Sort of. What is time? And space? And superposition? And the standard model for quantum theory? These questions are important to the setting. So is cocoa. 


Here's the first chapter. It'll make a little more sense now. A little.

Main characters

Brendan Carmichael, an ex-pat Eurasian yuppie who is incredibly dull, predictable, shy and well meaning. He's in love with his wife, Prisha, and they have three cats- Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charizard. This is because they are fans of the tv series, not the game. Hence the disparate levels of evolution. This fact has almost no bearing on the book as a whole. But it is still true. 

There's also some guy, called Flowbro and their minder, Jeff.