Three books in three months

It's done. I wrote three books in three months.

Caveats: They are first drafts. I actually took 100 days. Two of them are parts of multi-book series, the writing is terrible in many places because I just got the drafts out.

And every single person who gave me a positive comment, in person or over messages or in a comment, everyone who asked me how it was going or seemed interested in the work- and especially a few particularly close people that cheered me on constantly...

Thank you. So much. You made a huge difference. Paragraphs were written because of you. Endings were formulated because of you. Staying up with me, or on the phone, or saying "Fucking go write." You know who you are...and everyone else...shit got done because of you.

Thank you.

It's not over, because I'm going to edit them, and they are going to get published one way or another. But for the next few days, I'll...try to relax. 

My ass isn't wax. I wrote the last chapter of CoP today. 

Proof for Children of the Pantheon below. I thought "Chapter 10" would just be one chapter- but the length of it warped into what will probably be multiple chapters. Below are all the chapters since my last post- ages ago, on CoP.

And if it helps anyone else: Go Fucking Write. You Got This.


T-Plus 100 Days: The Editing


T-Minus One day: Two Books down