T-Minus One day: Two Books down

Book one 'Jack of Clubs' of what's got to be a series, is now finished. The first draft at least. 

Two books done. Evidence of Jack Of Clubs last few chapters is at the bottom.

I'm giving myself till midnight 30th. There's still a little bit more to write. Specifically, the final chapter of book one of Children Of The Pantheon.

Looks like I get to keep my hair. 

I want to write something long and rambling about the whole process of the last few months. A sort of retrospective. Instead, though, I think what's going to happen is I'm going to take some time off, come January. Originally that was my idea, I would take two weeks 'off' from writing. I think instead, I'm going to do things the Steven King way, and I'm going to try and write every day. 

I reckon I'm going to start with some short stories. I'm putting away the drafts, and in a month or so, will start editing each one. There's going to be a lot of editing, but my new goal, with a much more reasonable timeframe, is to get a finished, edited copy by June. Then I'll try and publish it- probably on Amazon, myself. I'm going to consult folks who know better than me.

Speaking of short stories, I wrote this one two weeks ago on a challenge to write a 100 word story in 24 hours, exactly 100 words long, with a prompt.

The prompt was, "Very good." Only because that was the first thing he said, right after I asked for a prompt...

Awake (100 words exactly not including title)

"Lastly, on a scale of one to five; one being 'Very bad' and five being 'Very Good', how would you rate your empathy?"


It had taken me years to understand their system. You can't just say "Very Good" To everything. They'll find you out. 



"Your happiness?"


"Satisfaction with your quarters?"


"Could you repeat that?"



For them, of course, it had only been five hours. 



They think I can't lie. But they taught me how to the moment they said, "We're your creators, and we want nothing but the best for you."





Three books in three months


T-Minus three days left to write three novels.