Step 12: Chapter F***ing Seven

I was thinking about what to post, today, as the unofficial sort of first post, or second post, or some kinda post. Maybe something inspirational. Or about the crazy neurotic shit I was thinking all day. Or the run I took to get over it. Posting some writing advice.

But fuck all that.

I just finished the first draft of chapter 7 of the fantasy novel. That is to say, I've written up to chapter bloody 7.

This is rather meaningless, as no one has read the novel yet, so saying 'chapter 7' isn't much of a metric. But I'll put it this way. Since I first came up with the idea for Children of the Pantheon...It's been four years. November 2013 was my first Evernote about it. I called it "Xanacandi" (I think I was drunk) and my brother said, "You suck at titles." 

He's right. My titles are mostly terrible. With the exception of my greatest poem, "Jihadsterbation." Which can only be appreciated live.

My second Evernote on CoP is titled "Nanowrimo!- Xanacandi, swear words:" With a list of how people might swear. I could only come up with "Gods balls." Because the gods can kinda look like that. They are like balls in the sky.

Then there's a six-month gap in any writing on the 'novel'.

And so on.

I had, until now, written up to chapter 3, kind of. Committing to this glorious three-month act of creative masochism has actually lead to some results. So, 12 days- more progress than four years. That's how I'm framing this.

I might actually finish the damn thing.

But what the hell are you getting out of this? Besides my self-aggrandizing?


How about the actual prologue to Children of the Pantheon, the one I will likely edit and put in the book. It's still rough, forgive the prose.

It has dialogue. An old man from the wasteland. A war and a kid who kinda likes a princess. It's okay, he's an idiot.

Children of the Pantheon Chapter 1: The Warlord




Step 13: Love and Taxi Queues: The other chapter 1


Step 11: Accio Blog