Step 15: Grinding it out, and the first chapter of CoP

Scroll down to the link to read the actual first chapter of the fantasy novel. 

Rather than a "writer" or "poet" or "soon to be successful genius", or "upstart fraud", I would like to identify myself now, and from here on out, till the end of my tether, as a Grinder.

It's all about the grind. Whether at work or if you're privileged like me, at creative endeavors- because let's face it, the fact that I have any time at all to pursue this is a privilege. I work at the same time, I am indeed, 'gainfully employed'- but not full-time. I cut down, specifically so I could pursue this project. That fact that I *could* cut down is a blessing.

Many (most) people don't have that damn luxury. 

I'm somewhat tired. But who the fuck cares. Grind it out. Grinded maybe half to two thirds of a chapter today. It's not ground. A grinder knows that you grinded, because if that 'blow his whole roll' on a WSOP main event idiot from Queens asks what we did last night at Teddy KGB's, well, we tell 'em "You donkey, I was grindin it out on my leather ass." not "Ground, Mike Mcdermott. I grinded at that soft country club game."

One day I'll probably write a story about the absurd amount of time I spent playing poker.

Hell with that all. Here's the 2nd chapter (1st chapter?) of Children Of the Pantheon, as stated I would post yesterday.

Since I have motivational wallpapers everywhere, might as well throw 'em up as features images from now on.


Step 16: Get better values


Step 14: Write dick jokes and read about Ira Glass