Step 17: Doubt

"What the hell am I doing?"

Today I did some world building, elaborating on the timeline for CoP, designing some cities, and a bit of research on wartime speeches for a proclamation a character has to make. I might write a scene or two directly before sleeping.

Some days you just hate everything you write. None of it adds up, it's all lacking, there's an editor in my head whose shaking his head at every last sentence. 

And so on. Everyone goes through this. 

I arsed around again today. Watched a film, quite a bit of Netflix. 

I did not want to write. Terrible reason that, to not write.

Instead of sitting in front of my computer, I'm going to get a notebook out, stare at a wall till some more details arrive for the plot of CoP. 

Grind it out some more. Three novels in three months. If I'm aiming to get a novel done by end of October, I got like 3 weeks, and I am not up to the halfway point yet. 

Time to grind some more.



Step 18: Build more worlds


Step 16: Get better values