Step 26: Have a non-zero day?

470 Words today, only. The rest of which was taken up by mostly being supine from a minor stomach bug. I suspect if I tried to power through it, could have done more, but the point is that it's still a non zero day. 

I've mentioned it before, but here's the seminal reddit post all about non-zero days.

In lieu of writing, there was a fair bit of researching. YouTube is amazing for historical documentaries that are short and precisely on the topic I wanted- which was Sumerian history. Also, nicely segue into some really crazy conspiracy crap, which is excellent for stories. 

It's got a half a million views and the vlogger uses the term 'sheeple' non-ironically. 



Tomorrow I'll be more active.

Below is my really detailed motivational wallpaper that be relevant. 

GRATEFUL FOR THE YOU'S! Or, don't be a dick to your future self. Floss damn you.

staying motivated  (hong kong poet editor writer performer spoken word).jpg

Step 27: To get over a speed bump, be lazy on purpose


Step 25: Manage energy