Step 41: Reach chapter 15 of book one

I have one last chapter to go for Book 1 of the Fantasy series, Children of the pantheon.

It's taken me till now to write 13 chapters or roughly 60-70k words since I started. I've been using the vomit draft, make no mistake- it's rough, but there are bones there. 

But I'm not finishing that final chapter just yet. Instead, I'm moving onto the next book. I'm leaning towards doing Love and Taxi Queues because Chosen requires more world building.

World building is exactly why I'm backing off on that last chapter of CoP. I have accumulated a long list of questions that need answering about the world. Although I had done a fair bit of worldbuilding before and during, there is so much more- a world map for starters, and a better layout of the main city. A list of Gods, and what I am currently working on- a spellbook. A total list of spells in the world, along with their effects, limitations and which factions have access to them.

It's incredibly geeky, and so, so fun. This is where all that roleplaying game experience comes in handy. I found myself writing; Range: 50 feet, in a cylinder one foot wide. Moderately difficult to scribe, requires sand, if looked into directly will cause temporary blindness...

Or "Area of effect, 15-foot radius, effects caster without further protection."

I have a beast-o-pedia which I'm always adding to, and a timeline of events in the history of the world. 

There is so much more worldbuilding to do. So I'm going to do it concurrent to the other books, along with doing some worldbuilding for Chosen whilst writing LATQ. Theoretically, LATQ needs almost no world building, and a sketch of the characters and chapters should be mostly sufficient. Theoretically. 

The best part of all of this is that I have not actually been working as hard or as long as I reckon I can. 

I honestly believe I can write much more in a shorter span of time. The practice over the last forty days has increased the number of words I can output. 

It's been good. Headbutting the wall. 

Also, I was so, so scared about so many things when I started this. So much of it has faded. I still go nuts from time to time, but now I'm willing to expose myself a bit. Facing the fear is so freeing.

Year from now  (hong kong poet editor writer performer spoken word).jpg




Step 42: Monk mode


Step 40: Yolo, I recorded a poem