Step 42: Monk mode

I missed two days!

I have drafts of the posts, which I may put up later, but screw it. 

November plan:

1. World build for CoP

2. World build for Chosen

3. NaNoWriMo Love and Taxi Queues

28 days. I'm going to try and go 'monk mode' on this. Aside from a few commitments and people I want to see, the rest will be writing. Audiobooks in my spare time, reading otherwise.

I started two short stories for funsies, one that's first drafted but needs editing, the other which is a WIP. Might post those too. I just like writing short stories man.

Let's see. 

Dwayne Block  (hong kong poet editor writer performer spoken word).jpg

Step 43: Still here


Step 41: Reach chapter 15 of book one